Thank you so much to our coffee subscription members for your continued support.
We've received a message from Kawai san - the director of Golpie Coffee, February's featured roaster - on his experience through this coffee subscription service.
This is a new approach for us and would love to keep this channel of communication going. We don’t want this to be a one-way street in us just sending you beans.
It would be amazing if we can continue to receive feedback and give you the thoughts behind our team and the Japanese roasters we’ve selected.
Thanks again,
Message from Kawai san: Japanese / English
・ニカラグア このコーヒーは日本でも発売当初はとても驚かれました。
Nicaragua: The coffee from here was a shock to the Japanese market at first with its very unique flavour. I was surprised with its fruity flavour almost like fully ripe fruits such as fig or banana, and decided to purchase on the spot. Also, this coffee is produced by Erwin Mierisch, a pioneer of Nicaraguan coffee production. Every time we visit him we can see that he's been passionately experimenting and harvesting various kinds of coffee and series of production/processing methods, which always convinces us to purchase from him. Erwin is sort of like a super star of Central American coffee market, owning some farms in Honduras as well as in Nicaragua, and he is also working as a head judge at Cup of Excellence.
・ケニア このコーヒーは皆さんとてもよい評価だったように感じています。 皆さんご存知だとは思いますが、
Kenya: I saw from the survey and feedback that this coffee was very popular amongst the members. As you probably know, Kenya is famous for its high quality coffee production. However, I feel that there is still potential for improvements when it comes to the variety of flavours. I don’t say this in a negative way, the flavours are usually quite fruity and many are fantastic. Their coffee often has a black berry-like flavour, such as cassis or blue berry. Among these, this time I picked one with not just fruity, cherry-like flavour in its profile, also with refreshing "lactic" flavour which is similar to that of yogurt, as well as the sweetness of honey – this is quite a unique profile from Kenyan coffees. This originality hit me immediately and was the decision to make the purchase. I hope you could taste the "lactic" and "honey" flavour in your cup.
・全体を通して 今回、このサブスクリプションに参加させていただくにあたって、
そこで出た、今お伝えできるひとつの仮の答えとして、 当店でコーヒーをセレクトする際に大切にしていること、
Throughout the process of joining the Kurasu x Good Coffee subscription service, I had a great opportunity to reflect on "what I wanted from coffee" as a buyer, a cupper, and a roaster.
I instantly thought of these two selections when I asked myself which coffee I would pick and recommend to you, the members overseas.
I went back to the basics to select the coffee for this great opportunity.
Although scores from cuppings are an important factor, more so, I wanted to focus on the unique sensory of the delicate and complex flavours that characterize Japan and are loved by our Japanese customers.
By travelling overseas to the various coffee producing countries and being inspired by different coffee, cultures, and cuisines, there’s always that longing for Japanese food. Through these experiences, I realized that the Japanese people have their own unique sensory emphasizing these delicate and complex flavours.
I believe that thanks to this experience, to interact with your global members, I was able to open up my view of the world and its varying coffee cultures.
Through this interaction and your feedback, it reinforced my desire to keep on providing specialty coffee to our domestic customers, as well as providing to our global customers, our coffee with a "Japanese” style and experience.
Our next test is the "World Coffee Roasting Championship 2016". We will do our best to validate what we’ve learned and what you’ve taught us.
Thank you so much.
・追伸 コーヒーの海外向け出荷サービスを開始いたしました。 日本では有名で安全なRakutenというショッピングモールを
P.S. We have started a global coffee shipping service. We provide coffee at Rakuten, a Japanese leading online market.
ゴルピーコーヒー 松屋コーヒー部 河合 佑哉
Golpie Coffee Matsuya Coffee Department Yuya Kawai