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Hario V60 Brewing Guide (How we do it at Kurasu)

Hario V60 has been loved by professionals and for coffee lovers for its flexibility and liberty it allows. With its swirling ridges and startling looks, the Hario V60, Ceramic Coffee Dripper is a staple to any filter kit. The ceramic filter cone of the V60 highlights the flavor-enhancing ribbing and aesthetic elegance of Hario’s exquisite, hand-pour coffee dripper. The spiral ribs of the Hario V60 are designed to extract the most subtle hints of flavor. 

Conceived and crafted in Japan, the V60 has become a ‘go to’ dripper design for leading baristas in many of the world’s most popular pour-over coffee shops.

Here's a base recipe we use at our cafe in Kurasu Kyoto. We work around adjusting grind sizes and ratios depending on the beans and roast type, but this should work as a allrounder to achieve a clean cup for your home brew. 


Brewing with the Hario V60: Kurasu Recipe


What you need:

Hario V60 dripper
Paper filter (rinse before use)
Burr blade grinder
Pouring kettle
Digital scales

12g Grind Coffee (Around EK43: 7 Fine-medium grind)

Water temperature: 92-96 degrees



Place the conical filter in your cone and give it a quick rinse to get rid of any papery flavours that may be there.



Stick your water on to heat up. 92-96 degrees is the sweet spot – with a conventional kettle it’s best to let it boil and then sit for a minute or two.



Place coffee in the filter and dig a small hole as though you are planting a seed.



Place your cone and vessel onto your scales and tare them off, letting you weigh out the water as you’re brewing. For this recipe we’re rocking a pretty standard ratio of 12g coffee to 200g of water (60g/litre).



Start your timer, then slowly and gently introduce 25g water into your little “seed hole” and check out the coffee as it blooms.



At the 30 second mark the coffee should have bloomed and then begun to sink again, meaning it’s time to give it a bit more water. Pour up to 110g, then after counting around a minute, pour up to 200g, and give it a light stir to ged rid of any harshness, and let it flow a bit. The brewing process should be completed within 2 minutes or so.

What do you think of our Hario V60 recipe? We love the V60 drippers - check out our selection we carry in our store.