Hi everyone!
How did you enjoy the first half of "Kurasu Baristas Talk: Barista Blend"?
Today on the second half, we will ask more about how the blend making experience was for each of the baristas, as well as about the New House Blend Light.
If you haven't tried our new house blend yet, please read this interview- it will give you a little more idea about it!
What were the most fun part and the most difficult part of the process of making your original blend?
Ayaka:I really enjoyed the time I spent with Kosuke cupping the coffee. Usually, it's more like I'm jumping into his cupping session as a guest, but this time it was different and that was fun!
The difficult bits were to picture how my blend would taste like as an espresso- it was very tough to imagine how this particular combination would turn out as a shot of espresso. To be completely honest there was a certain amount of leap of faith, but I'm really glad that it turned out great, haha.
Kume: For me, I aimed for making an "enhanced" Ethiopian espresso and I got exactly that, so it didn't feel that difficult. Which means that our roaster did a superb job.
ーーー I see, it's usually Kosuke who plays the major role in making decisions in roasting our coffee, but the biggest difference this time was that each barista was the main decision making person and Kosuke supported that process. Kosuke was saying he really enjoyed the process too- it's great to have a roaster who really understands each barista's personalities.
Tsubasa: The fact that blending multiple single origins can make so much more that what I was imagining, was the most fun, and the most difficult to control.
ーーー Right, the fun of making a blend is in that unpredictability I guess. I can see how it would be very interesting and difficult at the same time. How about you two, Hitomi and Mizuki?
Hitomi: To figure out what kind of blend I want to make, and how I can express that in what element in the blend- that was very difficult but at the same time, very exciting. I knew this but if you don't know where you are heading to, you can easily get lost.
ーーー I'm a little surprised. I thought you were like Kume-san, knowing exactly what you like and what you want.
Mizuki: I had to start from the point where I asked myself, what kind of coffee I like. It's been a year now since I joined the Kurasu team, and during that time I encountered so many coffees that flipped my conception of coffee upside down. I was in chaos trying to find the answer to "what coffee do I like?" when I was told that I can design my own blend. Trying to find what I love- that was the most difficult, but the most exciting process.
ーーー An ultimate kind of question you have to face as a coffee lover. You like coffee, but how then you can put that into words, how you can communicate that to other people are very difficult things to do. Learning and knowing your love and pursuing it is one of the fun things about enjoying coffee, I suppose.
Is there anything you would have done differently? If you were to make another blend, without any restriction, what kind of blend would that be?
ーーー How about you, Ayaka? Is there any regret?
Ayaka: No, I wouldn't change anything. Maybe I want to try iced coffee blend next time.
It would be fun if I can make a nice blend that can convince people who only approve hot drip coffee that iced coffee is also nice.
ーーー Oh I'm like that, I only drink hot coffee even if it's a blazing hot summer day. I would love to try your blend designed for iced coffee!
Kume: If there is a next time, I'd love to give another go at Ethiopia blend.
ーーー Ethiopia again! You love Ethiopian coffee so much that maybe you should really be starting from purchasing beans in Ethiopia next time. haha
Tsubasa:No regrets!
I designed a everyday cup of coffee this time, so maybe next time I want to make a drip coffee blend more for a special day- something that makes you say wow! on the first sip.
ーーー Your blend this time was reflecting your super warm and calming personality. I'd love to try a sparkling fancy version of your blend too! Combined with your pop-star like charisma, it would fly off of the shelf in a second!
Hitomi: I would like to make a more mainstream, typical blend-like blend next time. This time I designed my blend having one main and others supporting that, so for the next time I want to try making something more in an equal harmony.
ーーー I'd love to try your ideal "The Blend"- can't imagine how it would be, exciting!
Mizuki: I should have try brewing in many more different recipes to see how each brew turns out. I'd love to make the same blend one day and do that.
ーーー That's lovely that you wish to make the same thing again- it means you really put your heart into it and the result was worth it. Now I want to drink your blend again.

Last question- if there any recommendation on how to drink or what to pair with our New House Blend Light?
Ayaka: I recently tried brewing it with my coffee machine and it worked well! It's great if it tastes good with pour over, but if it tastes fantastic with a coffee machine it's even better!
If you are at our cafe, please try it on a small single shot latte!
Kume: It's citrusy and energising, I love it! It shines through well in a single shot latte, and in a double shots latte it really shows its strength. Lovely.
Tsubasa: It's "THE BLEND" that works with anything. I can imagine more and more people start liking coffee after trying this blend- so exciting!
Hitomi: If you have it as an espresso based drink, I would say a large latte paired with a cinnamon and nuts cookie.
Pour over also tastes great, so please try brewing it at home too :)
Mizuki: I love having it as a simple latte.
Everyone at Kurasu are already madly in love with this new blend- do check it out!
ーーー As almost everyone said, it works wonder with milk too. I am interested to try a machine brew now after listening to what Ayaka said! The next time I go to Kurasu Kyoto I will definitely try latte and the cinnamon and nuts cookie.
Thank you so much everyone!================
That's the end of "Kurasu Baristas Talk: Barista Blend"- how was it?
The ultimate goal of this Barista Blend project was to make our new house blend light- we can say that with these 5 unique blends and Kosuke's work completed in this New House Blend Light.
We hope this new blend will be the new staple for Kurasu and for your coffee break.
It's a well balanced coffee with refreshing aroma and sweetness that's perfect for the humid, rainy season coming up. Try it out and feel our love at home xxx