This is a lot we came across as an offered sample at a cupping event, hosted by Wataru in Osaka, in May 2024.
Part of what was paid for purchasing this green beans are donated to Casas de La Alegria via a Costa Rican exporter, Coffee Exparts.
(Casa de la Alegria: A funding program to provide support and for children of seasonal workers and pickers who work at coffee farms, through opening nurseries that provide education, healthcare, and child care, etc.)
Not only that we are happy to contribute to the program, we also loved its pleasant fermenty and nutty nuance- it’s different from the typical, tidy and neat natural process, and we felt it would be a perfect fit for our single origin espresso.
For that in mind, our take on this focuses more on sweetness, but it also makes a great pourover- it’s only a little different from our usual roasting balance in terms of what we emphasize and focus on.
For pourover, try grinding the coffee a little finer than usual to reveal the hidden fruitiness. You’ll find berries and grape making the warm, nutty sweetness even more charming.