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Colombia Raul Duran [Light Roast]

Floral, sweet aroma, taste of Hassaku orange, apricot and muscat, caramel-like deep sweetness and accompanying aftertaste.

Country: Colombia
Process: Fully Washed
Region: El Porvenir, El Jordan, Gaitania, Tolima
Variety: Castillo
Altitude: 1,650m
Flavor Notes: Floral, Hassaku orange, Herb, Apricot, Muscat, Caramel

*Roasting start date: 1th May

*1kg packaging will be in our wholesale bags.

Size: 250g


Conical Dripper:

Dripper: Hario V60 Dripper
Coffee : Water Ratio: 14g : 200g
Water temp.: 91℃
Grind: Coarse

Step by step:

00:00~ 40g(Total: 40g)
00:40~ +60g(Total: 100g)
01:10~ +50g(Total: 150g)
01:40~ +50g(Total: 200g)

Finish brew: Approx. 02:30

Check out Kurasu Coffee Brew Guide for more information!

Flat Bed Dripper:

Dripper: Kalita Wave Dripper
Coffee : Water Ratio: 14g : 200g
Water temp.: 92℃
Grind: Coarse

Step by step:

00:00~ 30g(Total: 30g)
00:40~ +30g(Total: 60g)
01:10~ +140g(Total: 200g)

Finish brew: Approx. 02:05 to 02:15

Check out our Youtube for more information!

Conical Dripper:

Dripper: Hario V60 Dripper
Coffee : Water Ratio: 14g : 150g
Water temp.: 91℃
Ice cubes: 70g
Grind: Medium fine

Step by step:

00:00~ 40g(Total: 40g)
00:40~ +60g(Total: 100g)
01:10~ +50g(Total: 150g)

Finish brew: Approx. 02:10

Check out our Japanese Iced Coffee Recipe for more information!

This coffee from Raul san is our very first trade with his farm, El Porvenir. Don Raul is a father-in-law to Astrid san who grew our favorite Colombia Astrid Medina.

This Colombia Raul Duran will first give a refreshing, hassaku citrus or herb-like aroma when it is hot- as it cools it reveals more and more sweetness, and the cup impression turns more like ripen apricot. This dramatic transition is what makes this coffee so unforgettably charming.

Some of you may remember that we had Castillo variety for the last year’s Colombia Lisandro Quilcue- the Castillo for this coffee, however, is what is typically called a hybrid (artificially designed variety to combine different varieties’ different strongpoints such as immunity against crop disease, or higher yield).

Generally speaking, hybrids are considered lacking in flavor- but this one throw that pre-conception completely out of the window. It is a limited batch, so grab while it lasts!

Takuya, Head roaster

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